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1/27/2015 2:32:57 PM

Bungie, your Server

So How about to fix your Server or give them more Capacity? Last friday me and my Firteam beat Crota in Hard Mode without any lag/Glitch/Bug. It was round about 16 o clock. (7 am PST, in Germany 4 PM) On this time, most of the americans are still sleeping or at work/School. The Servers are "empty". But when we play the RAID in the evening, about 21 o clock (3 PM PST, 9 PM in Germany) It Starts lagging, Damage won't count. Because europeans and americans are all online at the Same time. 7-8 Million Players are killing your Servers, thats ridiculous. Time for You, Bungie, to work on the Servers. In don't care about Grammarnazis. And if your want to bitch about "These English" Write your comment in Perfect German. Then we will See How good You really are.

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