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Изменено (Nonvalid): 1/20/2015 8:36:53 PM

Timur's Lash

I love this thing already. Wrecks in PvP and I've only played 3 matches so far. Can't wait to unlock my Crowd Control perk. Funny thing is I got the "best roll" first try! Believe I've got the best gun set up for Crucible on my hunter right now.... Lash, Verdict, Truth

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  • I rolled until I finally got OUTLAW, FLARED MAGWELL (also have field scout), and LUCK IN THE CHAMBER. NO, I will NOT be using field scout with luck in the chamber! With OUTLAW I get a 150% bonus to reload speed with precision kills. FLARED MAGWELL does NOT stack with this! But trust me, when I DON'T get a headshot, flared magwell is superb to have as a backup with 100% extra reload speed! I am a habitual reloader tho...and just knowing that a 33% extra damage bullet is in the chamber is enuf security for me to keep on hitting reload. Having field scout where that bonus round might not even be fired before I reload is useless. Now on top of this I have a solar Efrideet's Spear with AMBUSH SCOPE, DOUBLE DOWN (extra ammo on spawn), ARMOR PIERCING ROUNDS and, yes...FINAL ROUND (33% damage bonus and drops crucible enemies with ONE body shot!) I use the Bladedancer subclass as a hunter. The QUICKDRAW perk allows me to habitually swap between Timur's Lash and Efrideet's Spear based on enemy distance. WHY DO I DO THIS? Becuz by having FINAL ROUND (and only a 3 round clip) I am GUARANTEED 10 shots between the two weapons with TWO OUT OF EVERY 10 SHOTS HAVING A 33% DAMAGE BONUS! Plus Armor Piercing Rounds go thru anything. Reload, swap weapons based on distance, and repeat knowing you have that extra damage security. Just food for thought....any comments on your roll and WHY it's the best is encouraged. TIMUR'S LASH with Efrideet's Spear having TWO 33% rounds of extra damage per 10 shots....IS....deadly.

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