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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/16/2015 6:31:04 AM

Former, two pump chump. старое

This f@#king a$$hole Reever Captain in the forgotten shores

As we all know those public events are a bit of a time cruncher, dealing with the bounty. This post that I write Is a warning to those willing to face this lvl 5 major captain that has an arc shield. Oh yeah, I said it lvl 5!!!! Many times I have come across this bastardo with a full arsenal. If you've met him you know what I'm talking about, you get thru his shield with a while clip of whatever you're running with because after you've reloaded your weapon that damn shield is back at full fml -_________- . I think I'll be able to beat him if they decided to raise the light level to 100 maybe I'll have a chance, hell maybe I won't constantly go in the red by only driving heavy enemy territory -_________________-

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