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1/8/2015 1:10:12 AM

Suggestion for future "Gift" items

Very simple, there's plenty of vitriol going around about the alleged "gift" (I've yet to see it in game yet but I've heard it's just a legendary engram, which hey! Could be cool!) but a friendly suggestion going forward. Since you added another layer of gatekeeping, forcing players to grind even harder, why not provide the Vanguard and Crucible marks and commendation as a gift? Make a bounty item that has the mission already completed, so it immediately turns in, providing the items using the already constructed architecture. This would allow players to choose items that would be directly valuable to them, helping them in their progress without causing too much overall game issue. This way it's minimal work on you, yet provides the best possible benefit to the player, instead of consistently throwing them to the RNG? Obviously your game, not mine. So it's your house and I'll not tell you how to do it. But just a bit of an idea that may end up being beneficial down the road. Have a good day. -Matthew

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