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1/2/2015 7:01:27 PM

Mercs unite! - Join Lone Gun For Hire

You ever get to the tower and see that group looking for a 6th guardian to fill up the raid team? Ever get to the tower hoping to raid and can't seem to get a good team together but want to raid or strike? Well make your life easier. Show up in the tower with a Lone Gun For Hire clan tag and watch the raid and strike help requests start rolling in. Being a Lone Gun For Hire means you're ready, willing and able to go into that raid or strike. They should have no need to ask you if you want to raid or strike because you're a Lone Gun For Hire. If that team asks you to join them and they're doing the VoG on normal, but you prefer hard-mode...then turn them down without feeling guilty. You ARE a Lone Gun For Hire after-all. So accept only the "jobs" you want, the "jobs" that benefit you. They have to accept your decision because you're a Lone Gun For Hire.

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