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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/1/2015 11:10:44 AM

So, I finally got the DLC! Can you carry all of your told ya so's?

Yeah, I got some help to purchase the DLC after I had a thread on here that blew up on the topic of the Nightfall being locked unless I had the DLC. Honestly, I think the majority missed the point of the thread, but I always tried to make it clear that it was a case of wanting to be able to play the vanilla game until I could afford the DLC. I got it, and I actually really love it. I'm hoping to do the raid soon, my Warlock is a vendor 31 at the moment but that was intentional so that I can be of use when I do the raid. I didn't want to go in capped by my VOG gear, which I had a full set of, now dismantled. It was like choking a puppy dismantling my helmet, I raided hard and long to get that. Sincerely, I do hope that the many who were upset about the lockout have managed to get the DLC, because as we predicted, it's been locked more than a few times since the DLC dropped. Not just Nightfalls, daily story too. On another note, since I got the DLC, legendary engram drops have gone up massively for me, I have 4 Valedictorians, Secret Handshake, LDR 5001 and Longbow Synthesis already, just from drops! Lastly, I sneezed last night and it sounded like Murmur firing. I found it hilarious. Luckily, no projectiles though. Thanks for reading.

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