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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (iWasBorn2bLegit): 1/1/2015 11:23:15 AM

I share your feels Bungie.

I see a lot of people who hate everything about this game, from the repetitive strikes to the rng(and I respect their opinions btw). Then I see those such as myself, who enjoy its limited content and don't mind the grind. I'm sure Bungie hates this game as much as we do sometimes. After all, this was to be their masterpiece but sadly Activision ruined it for profit. They butchered the story and sold it as dlc, forced Bungie to make small worlds in order for it to fit on one disc for older consoles, and prohibited things like trading to keep us grinding 24/7. Hopefully one day Bungie can be truly independent and create what they were destined to make. Sadly I think they missed their calling with Destiny, which could have been an even better game if left unaltered. When I look at the concept art and old vidocs, I see a brave new world that never made it to the light.

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