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Изменено (Archon): 12/25/2014 1:44:31 AM

Destiny Idea | Hub Area In The Reef

Ummmmm Why? That image above ^^^^^^^ Is a picture from a trailer for destiny about a year ago, and i was wondering, why it wasn't added? Cause it could have had so much promise, so i just wanted to share a few of my ideas about this. [b]The Reef Hub Area | Description[/b] "[i]The Queen Rules this place, and she has allowed guardians to roam and discover it[/i]" [b]Reef Reputation | New Vendors | Description[/b] [i]"This is the reef, there are new reputations, Armour, and more interesting characters to meet. To get this new and exiting gear, you'll need to earn Reef Reputation, Which can be earned by doing bounties from the queen herself. There will also be new vendors, including Xur (Which will only appear on Wednesday of every week) To name off one of these vendors, there is the queen's brother, who will sell you brand new class items."[/i] [b]New Exotics | Xur's Return to the Reef[/b] [i]"Xur always likes to bring new gear to the table, so in the reef, he will have a variety of NEW exotics for you and your guardian friends to enjoy, Below there is a new exotic weapon, just a little sneak peek."[/i] [b]NO TIME TO SPARE | Exotic Pulse Rifle[/b] Special Ability 1 | Paradox: Getting a Critical hit has a chance to cause a nova bomb explosion Special Ability 2 | No time to spare: Killing a enemy, makes your movement speed increase by 30%, and cloaks you for 10 seconds. Thats just my little idea of what could be added in the House Of Wolves DLC, just something that would be nice, please leave feedback on this idea, i think it'd be interesting, also throw in ideas! I`ll add them! PLEASE remember in the comments, this is just a idea, and please don't put much hate, Its Christmas eve! Thanks for reading everyone! -[b]Bluetista[/b]

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