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Изменено (CaptainPunch374): 12/20/2014 9:17:18 AM

So I guess I don't get to play tonight?

Can't leave orbit, stuck in 'party stabilization' (by myself), can't join fire teams, etc. Tried switching characters, game bugs out when loading new character, audio gets stuck, loading animation freezes, game crashes. Doesn't matter which of my three characters I try with, have restarted xbox and modem. Even had a batch of 'updates' thrown at me the second time. It's been an hour, still can't get it. So, basically, the first time I actually have decent gear, will actually be able to play with more than one other person on a dedicated fireteam, and play things that could actually get me the rewards I need to advance in a timely manner with how much time I have to play, Destiny throws me, yet another, huge middle finger. It was bad enough when I had a blog with thousands of views enumerating how to use functions of Forge mode when Reach came out because you guys wouldn't get the information out yourselves and then cold shouldered and ignored me (and the people helping me) on the forums when asked questions to fill in the holes where we couldn't just trial and error through things, only to answer every question posed by others that we already had, but now you release a game that plays beautifully, only to make advancement tedious and monotonous, where the environments quickly become uninteresting, and the multi-player heavily preferring those who were lucky enough to get better, random, gear. The game is fun, it's gorgeous, but it doesn't feel any different on the Xbox One than it did during the week I played on the 360, things are just shinier. No new features noticed, no variance in models of the same classes of enemy (not referring to enemy faction differences, referring to differences within faction and class, so they don't all look like clones) to make them have more variety, nothing. Just an all around buggier experience than I've ever had with a game of this 'caliber.' You can't check faction rep from menus, don't have /real/ customization options, the shaders are very rigid (and don't even effect the best gear), and armor selection is wholly dictated by usability, leaving us stuck with things we find unappealing just to keep an edge, not to mention the not very branching class and subclass system, which could be reworked easily (maybe not on the coding side, but logically) to allow fully customizable class creation after unlocking perks. You guys dropped a huge duece on our chests with this one. Here's hoping experiences like this become less frequent so I can feel better about the $100 I spent on the game and expansions and the $400 I spent on the new system convinced it would be worth the added experience. This does not feel like a next gen title, explaining it away as last gen features taking more effort to have at the same level in this 'MMO' style game isn't valid either. This isn't an MMO, this is a shared world game, where you usually only run into a few people at a time, and almost never see more than 6 unless you're in the Tower.

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