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12/17/2014 12:39:53 PM

The Genre called Destiny

I'm going to toss this here because a lot of people are complaining and unaware what this genre really is about. Destiny, is unlike many people on this forum think, a whole new genre for console gamers. It's new on so many levels people get scared, feel worthless or even get mad. But these feeling you have, are felt by a lot of gamers years ago. And it's the same reason why these gamers understand this Genre and know how this genre works. It's those players that are doing Crota hardcore. It's those players that level the shitty vanguard gear to get easy access 32 gear. They know what you wear and worked for will become obsolete. That's this Genre. You fight, you grind and replace that piece of equipment you fought and grinded for. That's how this works. There's no reasoning in this or change. This is the way the game works. You get DLC with new weapons. Guess what those weapons will be better than your current ones. It will keep going on and on like that. Every new item added will be better than the best item from the previous DLC. It's the way this game works. And I get it, most people out here never played a game where RNG is king and where that new M4a1 is better than the other M4a1. But that's how this game works. If you don't like this type of game, Destiny is not for you. It seriously isn't and won't ever be. The exotic reset upgrade is proof of pure clan dedication. If you see a person with a fully upgraded Icebreaker with 331 damage. You know he's a hardcore raider wanting to kill Crota on Hard asap. That's the way this game works. You spent time and energy to get to a point in this game. And that glorious moment will be shit once the new DLC comes out. Then you work towards another glorious moment. If you are too lazy to dedicate fully you are one of the Casual gamers that likes to enjoy games the easy way. And there is, just level your vanguard up. Get some new exotics and legendary weapons and you can prolly finish Crota on normal in a month or so. Like in any other game there are also the Hardcore gamers. Those who battle/struggle and push themselves to the limit in order to get better. And that was that one dude who leveled up to 31 to get his clan to the Crota's world first kill. That's hardcore right there. Destiny does a great job in splitting the game in 3 groups PVP, PVE, PVE HARD. Choose your side and spend your time and energy in that way. But if you really want to shabang with the big boys you better put some sweat on your balls. Cause this aint some kiddy ride. It's called HARD for a reason.

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