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Изменено (FTG Red Hood): 12/25/2014 12:09:08 PM

Even More Improvements and Solutions for Destiny

[b]Inventory Space Shortage[/b]- Some of you like myself have run out of space to hold your favorite items. This forces us to dismantle items we would much rather hold onto, even if only to collect them. If I get a full set of gear from the Iron Banner, I want to keep it for the sake of having it. It's a trophy to me that I earned that armor. If I get several ships or emblems or armor shaders, but don't want to delete any to make way for new ones, what do I do? I have a solution for this problem too. Increase our Vault Inventory space at the Tower. Make it so that we use our left and right bumpers to navigate between the pages, much like we do in our start menu. This would allow us to store all those cool things we've collected without having to say goodbye to them. We've earned them, so give us the space to hold onto them. Players love having trophies and that set of raid armor you may not use anymore is one of those trophies. You'll want room in your Vault to house it just for the sake of saying you have it. You want room to hold all those cool weapons you spent time in the raid getting and upgrading just to say, "Hey, I've got them all in my Vault." You could give us a separate storage in the Vault for Armor, Weapons, Ships, Armor Shaders, Emblems, Materials, Ghost Shells, and Sparrows. [b]Raising the Cap[/b]- There are a few things that need their capacity raised. Glimmer for starters is one of them. The capacity set for Glimmer is set at 25,000, which sounds like a lot but myself and most others can reach that rather quickly. It would be great if that cap was at least doubled to put us at being able to reach 50,000 Glimmer instead. Another cap that would be great if raised is the amount of Vanguard and Crucible Marks one can earn within a week. We are only able to earn 100 per week, but many of us can reach that capacity within one to two days. It would be great if they would double the capacity raising it to 200 marks in both categories per week. This also would require a raise in the amount of Vanguard and Crucible Marks you can hold in your inventory, which is currently set at 200 marks, to be doubled at 400 marks each. I've had moments where I would do a strike or fight in the Crucible and notice I wasn't gaining anymore marks either because I had earned all I could that week, or because I couldn't hold anymore. [b]Augmentation[/b]- I feel that this is a feature that would drastically make a difference in the game. You've all had those weapons that have only Kinetic Energy damage. I propose a new idea for these weapons. Give us an augmentation slot in the unlockable upgrades. Once a weapon is fully upgraded this would allow us to unlock one final upgrade, being an augmentation of the weapon, to enhance the weapon. There are a few ways you can do this Bungie. You can put this in Legendary weapons much like you did with that wonderful Fusion Rifle Murmur is one way. It has at the beginning of it's list of upgrades the ability to choose between using Arc or Solar damage. Instead it would have a blank slot allowing you to decide on one element to fuse your weapon with permanently. The other route you could take I think is far more interesting. Make it an upgrade named "Augmentation" and the description reading, "This allows this weapon to be augmented with elemental Augmentations." You can then sell Augmentations through Xur or another vendor that we can purchase and use on those weapons once the upgrade is finished on them. It would be much like how we can upgrade a rare Sparrow to become a Legendary Sparrow. The other thought I just had was that you could have a select few weapons that have more than one augmentation upgrade. If you were to put say a Solar and a Void augmentation on the weapon, you could choose for your weapon to be one element or the other, much like Murmur. You could also make augmentations that instead of throwing on another Elemental Augmentation, make it a Stat/Buff augmentation. Maybe you've got Knee Pads on your weapon and want to throw on a Grenadier Augmentation on so that you can either have both or make us choose between one or the other.

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