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12/5/2014 3:35:07 AM

So does noone care about this?

Does noone think its a big deal that we can't buy a single piece of legendary armor without leveling up our Rep? What about the people just starting? I started mu second character recently. It took me long enough to find even a small amount of desire to grind the rep after doing it for over 140 hours on my main character. I'm perfectly fine with everything else. I personally can't wait to reset my exotics. Free 300 damage? I dig that. But again. What about the people just starting? Kids. Adults. Anyone playing. I only get at least three hours every few days because of work. Why would I waste my time making a second character now when I have to do at least six hours of playtime. Just to play the game and do even kind of enough damage to be relevant? We ask for more playability. And you give this idea? That's really the best you can come up with? Forcing me to replay these boring missions for hours a day? And for what? Armor that isn't even worth sneezing at with the new raid armor on the way? Unless it boosts ne to level thirty and gives me 100% on more than one skill. Sod it. Not worth it. Also. Why would I care about defense ratings? What incentive does that give me? I get one more hit. Cool? I won't be proud of getting that. I'll be pissed it took me weeks. And now that the nightfall is bring bumped to 30. You just fudged over every new player by taking away 650 rep gains and making us do these boring repetitive bounties. That seriously aren't worth doing. I really needed this rant. Its cool if noone agrees. I just want someone to see this.

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