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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
12/4/2014 8:33:31 PM

Resetting your exotics!

Bungie is doing a damn fine job trying to keep everyone happy, but there is always going to be garbage players to b!tch about something. I'm sorry if you're really that butt hurt about re-leveling an exotic to make it stronger. Then you might as well go jump off a bridge and end your sorry excuse of a life. It takes what!?! A maximum of 6 hours of game play to fully level up an exotic, if that. So why even bother to waste anyone's time complaining? We all know everyone is going to be upgrading the exotics they actually use... So WTF is the problem just look at it as prestiging your exotics! You should be happy Bungie has given you the opportunity to keep your exotic relevant. So I'm going to just say it like this...why the hell are you complaining about having to play the game you payed for to play!?!? Effing Bump if you're tired of all these crybabies and support bungie doing a kickass job!

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