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11/29/2014 2:26:27 PM

angry rant

So there's this guy I met that I really liked and he said he liked me so we started seeing each other, but all he talked about was weed. Every conversation had to involve cannabis. And that's on the rare occasions we do talk. Usually I'll message him and he won't respond for hours if at all, and it's always the same reason too, he's smoking pot. He cares more about that -blam!-ing plant than he does his boyfriend. I asked him if he had to chose between me and a joint what would he pick and he -blam!-ing changed the subject to how the cost of weed went up. -blam!- him. -blam!- society. -blam!- you all you filthy -blam!- wipes. He has no job, no friends, and no life because if that -blam!-ing plant and he says he uses it to fight depression. The -blam!-ing plant is the cause of the -blam!-ing depression. Literally all he does is sit around his moms house either watching movies or doing drugs. He said he -blam!-ing loved me but how can you live someone if your life is lived for getting high. Why do people even get high? It doesn't make any sense to me at all, substance use is literally too -blam!-ing stupid to comprehend. I want to just die because I know I can't kill every one else. God I'm so -blam!-ing pissed.

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