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Изменено (MASTER BLAKE18): 11/29/2014 11:21:44 PM

constant errors and unable to make it passed the second cutscene

Can anybody help me i bought destiny two days ago and during those two days i have been unable to make it passed the second cutscene. I haven't even played my charter yet. every now and then i get a little further into the cutscene but i'm mostly greeted with the baboon error and the weasle error. I have done all the port forwarding requirements and the network check tells me my NAT is open but as soon as I launch destiny it says that my NAT is moderate. during the cutscene it alerts me by saying it contacting destinys servers but nothing happens. My patience is running out and all i want to do is play the game. I will continue to play around with port forwarding but if anybody could give me some tips or has had the same problem it would really help me out.

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