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11/21/2014 1:21:34 AM

Permanent loading screen after 20/11/14 Patch (Xbox 360)

Following yesterday's (20/11/14) update I haven't been able to get beyond the initial Destiny loading screen on my xbox 360 console, to clarify I do not even reach the screen which says "Destiny". I have left it for hours and it does nothing, I have tried swapping games and resetting the console, I have reset my internet and despite all other Xbox features working Destiny will still not load. I have Destiny installed on my Hard Drive from hard disc which could be a contributing factor but I would rather not delete unnecessarily. Also strangely when I went into my storage unit after the update Destiny's folder had an exclamation mark in a yellow circle rather than the ordinary Destiny storage icon. I would appreciate if this matter was treated with some urgency if others are experiencing a similar issue, if they are not a simple message informing me it is me specifically would also be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

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