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11/18/2014 4:40:32 AM

Sniping reticle when not zoomed

I feel as if the sniper needs to have a reticle for no scoping in this game. Every other gun gets the opportunity to blind fire with great success. I can easily blind fire my pistol at an incoming enemy. I know shotguns, auto rifles, and fusion rifles also share the success. After this last update with geometry changes to the maps the people who snipe are being punished for using a weapon that they enjoy and need range in order to profit, for the most part. One particular map I am having trouble with enjoying now is Blindwatch. Closing the windows and putting up random boxes in the sniper lanes discourages sniping. I am not one to shy away from close range sniping and am highly aggressive with my sniper, but this has gotten outrageous with the clutter on the maps now. I would like a reticle so I can blind fire because now I am having to put myself in less advantageous positions due to these maps being changed.

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