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11/17/2014 5:25:08 PM

Join the Nova Corps Marines [NCM] Today!

If you are looking for a friendly, tight-knit, time-tested, tactical, team-oriented group of individuals to game with, NCM is the clan for you! [b]We are interested in individuals with the following traits:[/b] (1) [i]Capable of having a good time while also able to be serious when necessary[/i] (2) [i]Respectful to other gamers (this includes those of all skill levels, gender, etc.)[/i] (3) [i]Team-Oriented (we operate as a unit, not a mess of random Rambo's.)[/i] (4) [i]Mature (do not be [url=]this kid[/url])[/i] (5) [i]Have a working mic (optional, but preferred)[/i] We are currently [u]primarily on PS3 and PS4[/u], but are open to any parties interested in building up a division on the XBOX 360 or XBOX One. Founded six years ago, we have built up a strong, connected, gaming family. The majority of our members are either former/current military or college students and understand the value of real-world priorities (several of us, have families of our own). If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to message myself, or [url=]Mad Katter[/url] here or on PSN. We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

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