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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Legend of Jordy): 11/17/2014 8:11:02 AM

Favorite PVP Subclass?













[b]After voting, you can fill out these three questions below in the comments.[/b] [quote] 1) [i]Which subclass do you find the most efficient to use in PVP?[/i] 2) [i]Which subclass do you have the most fun playing?[/i] 3) [i]Which subclass do you find the least fun to play?[/i] [/quote] [spoiler] [b]1)[/b] The subclass I find best suited for me in PVP has to be [b]Voidwalker[/b]. I'm a little bit of a troll as I love to use the move Blink. Void Bomb with split can usually guaranty me 2-3 kills on average, and I like that my Axion Bolt grenades seek out enemies pointing the direction towards enemies better than my radar. Plus the Warlock melee has crazy horizontal range, I can always rely on my melee to finish the job. [b]2)[/b] My favorite subclass to play is another Warlock subclass, [b]Sunsinger[/b]. The super isn't my favorite thing to use but the ability Angel of Light is my all time favorite perk. I love having a very custom vantage point while I use a Sniper or Scout-rifle. [b]3)[/b] The subclass I'm the worst at and have the least fun with is probably [b]Bladedancer[/b]. I don't really know why, Bladedancer has blink and cloak but I never use it as I prefer to play Gunslinger when I'm a hunter. [/spoiler] [b]Thank you for voting, I appreciate your comments and likes as well. I'm very interested in what you think and what the most popular class in PVP is to use.[/b]

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