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11/9/2014 9:03:13 PM

Free Minecraft?

Alright so here's the thing. On my Xbox One I was just sitting and watching Netflix. Suddenly a notification pops up telling me Minecraft: Xbox One Edition has been installed. I launch it and... yeah. I've been playing it. Played for like an hour and got a few achievements, yaddayadda. But the thing is... I didn't buy it. I even checked my purchase history and bank account. Nothing. So as far as I can tell, my Xbox completely randomly decided to give me a free game without my knowledge. I was wondering if anybody knew what actually could have caused this. I don't see anything online about there being minecraft deals, and it isn't the Games with Gold. I do have it on the Xbox 360 but I didn't click download or pay the $5 upgrade fee. So yeah. Glitch? Miracle? Blessed by based-Minecraft?

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