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11/9/2014 7:49:38 PM

Uninstalled for the last time

I uninstalled destiny for the final (and 15th) time. You're game connections suck and you're support is appalling. I have had the wasp error code since the first hot fix and haven't been able to play destiny since early October. I preordered the ghost edition, so you got a nice chunk of my hard earned pay check. What have you done for my $150? You have not replied to any of my continuous requests for help or advice. You have ignored me and turned a blind eye to your paying customers. You are the worst, most disrespectful bunch of lying, thieving, back stabbing people. You have given me the worst video gaming experience in my life. Read that again. You know your game is shit and you are all thieves for selling us a horrible experience in pretty wrapper. Lesson learned, assholes, thanks. I hope your holidays are filled with shit and grief.

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