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Изменено (xKoSxH3llKnight): 10/30/2014 1:31:39 AM

People need to read this!

Ok I see a lot of posts by disgruntled Xbox owners, and I want to school them a bit. Imagine you are in a Burger king. You are second in line and a man orders a burger for 5 bucks. Then I walk up to the counter and say "Wait make it a meal here's 5 more bucks" and I walk away, and he walks away with a meal he paid 5 bucks for. Now you walk up and order a Burger and pay 5 bucks. Now does that [b]Entitle[/b] you to bitch to burger king because you paid the same price some one else did but he got a meal and you didn't? [b] No because a 3rd party paid the extra money for his meal. [/b] The same goes for exclusivity. Sony [b]PAID[/b] millions for a map and strike. Whereas Microsoft did not. So why should Bungie have to reduce the price of content on the Xbox when Sony paid extra for a freebie for its players. With that said can we please stop bitching about the DLC thanks.

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  • Here's a correction to your metaphor to put this into perspective: The two men walk into the restaurant, and the first one is named Dave. The owner says "Congrats! Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, everyone named Dave gets a burger for $5!" But the next man is named Lary and the owner says "Sorry! But if your name isn't Dave you won't be allowed to have meat or lettuce with your burger. You'll get access to the meat 1 year from now, but until then you'll have to make due. That 'burger' will still cost you $5, though..." See why people would be pissed off? It doesn't feel like a complete meal, it feels like a rip off. While it might look like Dave is being rewarded for his name, to everyone else it looks like they are being penalized for not having the name Dave. Even with all the content on PS4, it seems like a really small amount of content to ask $20 for. So with even *less* content on the Xbox for the same price, it feels like a rip off. Get it now?

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