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Изменено (xKoSxH3llKnight): 10/30/2014 1:31:39 AM

People need to read this!

Ok I see a lot of posts by disgruntled Xbox owners, and I want to school them a bit. Imagine you are in a Burger king. You are second in line and a man orders a burger for 5 bucks. Then I walk up to the counter and say "Wait make it a meal here's 5 more bucks" and I walk away, and he walks away with a meal he paid 5 bucks for. Now you walk up and order a Burger and pay 5 bucks. Now does that [b]Entitle[/b] you to bitch to burger king because you paid the same price some one else did but he got a meal and you didn't? [b] No because a 3rd party paid the extra money for his meal. [/b] The same goes for exclusivity. Sony [b]PAID[/b] millions for a map and strike. Whereas Microsoft did not. So why should Bungie have to reduce the price of content on the Xbox when Sony paid extra for a freebie for its players. With that said can we please stop bitching about the DLC thanks.

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