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10/29/2014 11:14:28 PM

Help! Cannot use clan chat due to buggy website

The 'Hawks Team Spirit Admin" group just had its group wall enabled, however I can't currently post in the text box to form our first message - and no such function exists on the app for me to send the first message. The reason I can't send a message is because this text [i]This is your group discussion wall. Group wall messages will appear here and in the conversation[/i] has been superimposed over the top of the chat text box, and all efforts to either cancel the text out (no X box in the corner) or to type behind it are not working. The best I can do is highlight the text superimposed over the chat/text box. Please fix this bungie! The Ardent Hawks need to be able to converse with admins and a silly bug like this shouldn't be stopping us!

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