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10/22/2014 1:06:57 PM

Enemy footsteps and noise in general

I know there are other things that are more urging than this but, the thing that I find the most annoying in the game is the fact that enemies nearby are not making any sound or not enough if they do. I mean, 90% of my deaths are simply because I was busy shooting a bullet sponge are get killed because mobs (Hives most of the time, because of their melee heavy mobs) were stacking behind me like ninjas and melee kill me. Maybe the lore guys (we know there is a whole team on lore right?) just did not tell us yet that they are some kind of ninjas from another planet, but my guess is that the sound designer forget that in a shooter player can also use the sound of enemy footstep as a warning. Yeah sometimes you heard sounds, but I don't think I've ever noticed footsteps, if enemies make noise its not systematically. If they are too lazy to put up footstep sounds, just add they "warcries" systematically when they are near you so you know you'll get hit if you don't move. I do watch my radar quite a lot, but it just feels ridiculous to get killed because I can't hear the 3-4 Hives behind me about to melee my ass.

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