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Изменено (Aschent): 10/20/2014 8:47:33 PM

Embrace the MMO-ideology

Destiny has a severe identity crisis. The devs don't want to consider it an "MMO" for reasons that escape me. Instead they opt for a "shared world shooter". Please, reconsider your apparent disgust of the MMO concepts and begin building Destiny into the MMOFPSRPG (I'm srs) that most people (my opinion) were anticipating. My recommendation moving forward is to refocus on WHY players should invest. Examples: Current state- * I can reach rank 4 in vanguard... But what will I attain? (Nothing beyond a possible legendary or shards) Possible Future state- * If I reach rank 4 of vanguard, I gain the title of "Seer" and also receive an exotic bounty that provides background information about the Vanguard and explores the possibility of a coup being formed to overthrow the current powers that be within the organization. Putting these rebels to rest will result in the receiving of a legendary/exotic piece of gear. Although that's a purely basic concept, I feel that there is a TON that a player can learn or enjoy if things are simply fleshed out more within the pieces that have been formed inside Destiny. I've played the most successful of both the MMO and FPS genres and feel that the game would benefit a great deal by incorporating some of the ideas that have already been tried and tested in the past.

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