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Изменено (Kurywusaki): 10/20/2014 4:17:53 PM

Even more disconnects than usual(mostly caterpillar) today?

I'm getting disconnected every ten to twenty minutes, I set my network up as instructed on the forums weeks ago but that doesn't seem to help at all. When can we expect to be able to play without disconnects? 'cause this is quite laughable.

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  • Same here, I get kicked every 10 minutes wether i am in orbit, in the tower or doing the daily heroic, I also get kicked during the crucible which gives me the caterpiller error. This is a downright disgrace, I have been playing this game for 3 weeks at my dining table just so I can stay hooked up to the ethernet lead, which reduced the errors to no more then two per day but I still should not have had to do this. Now the errors have got so bad, I dont even want to waste my time trying to play when I cant even complete a mission. FIX THIS BUNGIE, I feel like a used and neglected customer who is having the pi** taken out of them. We all paid for this shell of a game which doesn't even work. Yet you spend more time buffing and nerfing weapons then fixing server issues and connection errors, DO YOU EVEN CARE!?!? I would expect this BS from some game companies, but I never expected it from you guys. I hope you fix this soon bungie before I lose all faith in your company and your games.

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