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Изменено (DrogoZ-0): 10/20/2014 4:31:33 AM

Loading screen minigames?

So I was thinking about how long the loading screens are and though I do appreciate the graphics and such, sometimes it's a bit long. So I was thinking what if we had a minigames as a loading screen? Maybe something like dodging asteroids or a quick galaga type thing with the end being your destination? Score could be kept track of for it or a miniboss ship? Something that would put our ship to use and would make the choosing of our ship relevant to us. Because though I like the designs, there is no difference really between ships and no reason to get any other ship. When you're in a fireteam, maybe they help too? That may be a bit much though. TL;DR version: Minigames of asteroids or galaga or something with our ship to make those loading screens a little bearable with leaderboard. Good idea or no? Sound off in comments please

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