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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Skank): 10/20/2014 12:23:24 AM

Are you SERIOUS???

I have been a long time supporter of this game, and have had absolutely no problems with it.. Until a few matches ago. Long story short, me and my friends were kicking some serious butt (the guys we were up against were total trash... Like one guy literally ran away when he saw us) and I went 17 and 1 for the whole match. Needless to say, we only had a collective 4 deaths on our team; but when the game ended... I swear my heart dropped. In the corner of my screen it said that the only guy left on their team (rage quitting for days) got a legendary engram. He had a collective [i]0 kills[/i] and probably 20 something deaths. Okay, I need the gear; so let's see what I get... Nothing. I got nothing. Whilst my friend got my awards for me. Literally, he left the match with 5 pieces of gear. Wtf? How did I piss off the RNG gods so much? Who's dick do I have to suck to fix our relationship? /rant

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