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Изменено (ShinShoruken): 10/13/2014 1:33:22 PM

Do we (YOU) think we SHOULD have to pay for ALL future content?





Reduce the price's and make more reasonable for us


So they give us a expansion pass advertisement ON THE DAY OF RELEASE. They expect us to become addicted and fork out all our money to continue their story. Do we (YOU) think we should have to pay for future content? Even if story related? IMO we haven't nearly been given enough content or STORY with our first payment buying the game to begin with. Not everyone is rich Bungie, your game will die if you start taking the piss. Why should we have to pay for added content and information to find out more about the story when this game has BARELY to begin with, its actually disgusting..

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  • If the game felt complete in the first place, with character development, an actual climactic battle, interesting things alomg the way. I'd have no problem paying to continue the story. As it stands, Destiny plays pretty bare bones, no meat with it's potatoes. It's like ordering a T-bone steak, having to pay upfront, and just getting the bits of gristle and bone and the chef saying, "Oh, the rest of the steak is an extra 30 dollars, and it won't be ready until you're about to leave." Last boss? Reskinned Boss from earlier in the game times three. Even the Raid, which contains arguably the best content in the game has two bosses that are reskins of old ones with a few new tricks. Aetheon is just another Gatelord with the ability to strike a pose and send half your team to one of two tiny locations. Which wouldn't bother me if the AI got an upgrade. It's laughably easy to outwit all of the AI bosses in the game, take cover, shoot, rinse, repeat. Moving into "Higher Difficulty" missions just makes everything do more damage. That's it. Same horde style tactics from every enemy faction and the only time they take cover is when you are sniping from outside of thier combat range. And it ends up being these laughably dumb minions that are the actual threat becuase they just swarm you and have an incredible damage boost and damage reduction. So far the "Events" have been a bust, a new faction appears for you to grind out some new rep levels doing the same missions over and over with modifiers from Halo. At least in Halo I could pick what mods I wanted on. Speaking of Halo, has anyone noticed how, aside from the Vex who use Civil war era British combat tactics (Aka stand in a line and get shot) all the other factions are pretty much copy-pasta of the various races in Halo. Brutes and Cabal, Hive and Flood, Fallen and Elites. A few new enemy types here and there, the shanks and wizards. I can't help but feel like while your graphic artists were hard at work (cuase the game LOOKS absolutely stunning) building new visuals, the rest of the company was just loafing off and when the deadline started coming up there was alot of "Just reuse everything else from Halo, the game looks pretty, no one will notice it lacking in every other department." Pvp is pretty solid, even if the game modes are pretty limited. The grimoire cards are a nice touch, I love reading up on all the lore, but it shouldn't be the only place to find storylore. The game play itself is addicting and the loot to aquire is awesome, but also very limited. A significant portion of the in game gear seems identical aside from a reskinned paintjob. I've been a fan of Bungie's work since back on the PS2 with Oni. I've played and loved every Halo game you guys made. I know you can do better then this, I've seen it, played it, and been inspired by it. One month into this game, it feels like the biggest Bait-and-Switch since the Trojan Horse. Which I suppose is one thing to be proud of.. but it's not what you should be aiming for.

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