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10/17/2014 3:40:00 PM

All that is wrong with Destiny

Ok seriously, I played through the campaign and what is the story of Destiny? There is the darkness, I am the light with dinklebot. Dinklebot, the speaker, the robot lady, all tell of "truly amazing" stuff. But we never see it, we are never told anything. Just go here, deploy dinklebot and get attacked. Oh but wait I could go online to and read page after page of stuff. Not much is added to the actual story after I spent hours reading each grimoire card. Cabal destroy planets, Hive live in the moon and are attacking earth, and the Vex convert planets to machines. Oh and the Fallen seem to just be there, no real reason. Then after finally completing the boring campaign, we unlock the strikes, each strike boss is literally a giant version of that species: giant fallen captain, giant ogre, giant hydra?, giant legionnaire. All have no mechanics to kill them, just unload a lot of bullets at adds and boss until dead. Ok whatever, the Raid will be better. And the Raid was better, finally mechanics in an "mmo", yet the random chance for rewards is bullshit. So out of hours and hours of playing the game, only 5%(the raid) is worth it and guess what, if I want to do another raid I have to fork out another $40 to buy the dlc. Most mmos come with half a dozen dungeons or raids on the initial game. So why should I even bother repeatedly playing this game? For the iron banner? A total joke of an event. And let's mention those other "unique" events, the Queens Wrath, Combined Arms, and Iron Banner. What a colossal waste of time. All that's is added is 5 more extremely hard bounties to complete, oh I'm sorry maybe 2 more bounties to complete because most of the time you have to be rank 2 or 3 to do said bounty. First day of the Queens Wrath and Iron Banner had 2 bounties that required to be rank 3 to even attempt. Then the rewards, of course the Queens Wrath, a PvE event, had rare rewards. What PvE player wants rare weapons and armor? You already give more rewards to PvP players in the shopkeepers. A total of 4 vendors sell full sets of legendary armor plus at least 4 weapons which require crucible marks. Vanguard Marks, basically useless, you can spend them at the Vanguard Quartermaster and the Vanguard Armored. A clear advantage to PvP bought rewards is noticeable. Another issue between PvP and PvE balancing, you nerfed the Vex Mythoclast, a superior primary gun to everything else in the game. It was rewarded for beating the hardest mission in the game, oh randomly awarded, sigh. It's attack power was overpowered in PvP as people were one shotting others with it. So it needed to be nerfed to create a more balanced feel for PvP. So the nerfed Vex Mythoclast became fairly worthless in PvE. Not to even mention the worthlessness of shotguns in PvE. If you use a shotgun in PvE, you WILL die. Especially on any high level mission, as enemies will punch you to death in one hit. Someone needs to remind you that MMO is a mix of PvP AND PvE. Not everything should be geared towards PvP, there are many fans that only enjoy the PvE elements and you are clearly alienating them with each update to make PvP better and PvE worse. The only thing that I can applaud you for is the gameplay. It is fun to play but you can only ignore story and dlc "developer locked content" for so long. I don't even need to buy the dlc to explore the new areas because they already exist on disc, seriously? Maybe some story content could have existed on the disc instead. Maybe dlc should be an afterthought, only worked on after a game has been released to the public.

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