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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (hashtagFelix): 1/20/2015 10:27:22 AM

Who wants PvP Ladder/Divisions?

Yes, make it happen!


No, don't need Ladder/Divisions


I see a lot of people only talking about exotic gear and weapons but all i want is a Ladder/Division system for PvP (3on3, 6on6) There is like no real other reason to play PvP, because you can't get lvl 32 gear and legendary/exotics are only "good" because the have perks. Edit: ELO ranked system!? Updated to lvl 32! Solo/Dual Ranked or 3on3/6on6! You can pick your gear and wepons and just get points or rewards for good looking weapon skins if you win. PvP will be seperate to pve so buff/nerfs dont effect each other. My 2 cents

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