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Изменено (xDarkxGamerx): 10/19/2014 3:32:21 PM

Raid on Mars - Train Heist

Hey Bungie, here's an idea for a raid with the Cabal. Why don't we have a massive train heist? The Cabal have a huge shipment coming in from the Exclusion Zone that they are transferring from the Dust Palace to another region of Mars. One of our scouts picked up the date and time of this train's departure. Our job, as Guardians, is to time our approach correctly if we are to board this train. The station will be crawling with Cabal. The catch? We have to board this train using our Sparrows. Our goal is at the front of the train. If you can take out the Conductor and stop the train, you will be greatly rewarded. There is no room for failure, Guardians.

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