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Изменено (LeeLee Iza): 10/11/2014 1:18:53 PM

Bungie: Is camping in a 100% safe zone during a Boss fight considered a negative Exploit?

Using cover is an essential part of staying alive, where do you draw the line? Is this a place to reload & regenerate health or is it an area from which you can easily complete everything without any effort? [b]Frenzy2001 [/b]said it best: [i]Good strategy will exploit the targets weakness. [/i] Everybody can find several stationary hiding area's from which you can avoid a lot of damage during PvE endeavours, and easily complete the assignment. * What options is Bungie considering when taking in account the psychological aspect of continuously camping and being rewarded for it? I imagine Destiny players sometimes share the opinion that some of these hiding places seriously degrade our gaming experience and lower the overall quality of Destiny. As it can always be considered lame/cheesy/low skilled & not intended. Camp here, shoot this - get the best loot. * Will there ever be a PvP counterpart to loot from the Vault of Glass? (motivating players to actually care about PvP) Weapons which are equally powerful and are rewarded through (a great deal of) PvP kills & bounties. + Something good for those with the highest K/D Ratio & highest score in a single game. (or even the top 3 players) I sincerely hope the future will bring us an opportunity to limit PVE activity without denying ourselves a chance of getting better & more loot. What are your thoughts on this? Please state why & what you think should/will happen next. 1- Don't nerf hiding places - I'm enough behind as it is. 2- Remove most safe zones - you should not be allowed to camp your way to Exotics. 3- Fixing all overly easy hiding spots is going to be a tall order, even for Bungie. Their effort is best focussed elsewhere. 4- Design another 6 player PvE area, with matchmaking, specific Exotic Boss loot (for your class only) not this random crap. 5- All is fine, Fearing any exploits & lucky weapon drops is completely unwarrented - I've been up against the Vex Mythoclast several times now and they apposed no threat. 6- PvP players deserve more & far better loot - exercising lame Boss tactics should not reward you with the best weapons. 7- Remove most feelings of something being OP & unbalanced by creating a PvP game mode in which only your primary weapon is allowed. 8- We need more options -not less- more customization, possibilities and definitely more exotics equipped. 9- As a casual gamer, time is precious. Forcing me to take the fast & safe way and hope for the best. 10- Why should I care about camping? it's only PvE. 11- The Iron Banner should be far more hardcore. This issue is on the top of my list. 12- I just want clear, to the point & explanatory weekly updates regardless of which issues are being adressed. 13- What can I do now? I'm level 30 and already have a solid Exotic primary weapon. 14- There's no trading option, no possibility to chat & look for groups ingame, PvP should be more about weapons and not ultimates. 15- We are forced to do repetitive objectives and I really don't want that (anymore) Repeating the same strikes/bounties over & over again ensures that I will quit playing. 16- I've seen too much baseless complaints about Destiny already (this community is sh!t) Just shut up & let play in peace noob, it will all work out in the end. [i]'the two most powerful warriors are patience and time.[/i]' 17- I have other concerns. 18- F*ck you whiny turd, you suck.

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