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Изменено (DEADJUGGLA): 10/12/2014 7:57:40 PM

Shutout Gaming (SoG) needing Clan mates, also searching for new Recruits. Gaming Community 18+ Xbox One Tons of adventuring and combat to go around.

I want to get this group up and running to be a [b][u]Official Clan[/u][/b] , also[u] if you are interested in joining a clan send me a request.[/u] We are a laid back and easy going Clan helping each-other with [b]Raids, Strikes, Crucible, or just help with the story missions.[/b] This is a great Clan to join for support or just to hang out and have fun, also just as important it is a Gaming Community so you know we're very active. [b]18+ only[/b] and no drama, [u]leave the BS at home so don't bring it to the group please[/u]. and a quick thanks to those who actually took the time to read this post -[i]DEAD[/i]

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