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Изменено (ZHX1138): 10/4/2014 12:01:13 AM

Would you like more cut-scenes for each Story Mission?

Yes, more cut-scenes, It would help improve story!


No, I don't want more, I just want them skippable.


It doesn't make a difference now, wait for DLC.


Many of us are talking about the story thus far whether for good or bad. (Vote!) Do you think Bungie should remaster the story as they come up with updates and add further cut scenes to each mission that will improve story explanation? This can be done so that the current story we have feels more solid for those who feel it's lacking and for those who enjoy it, will feel like it's more rich and vibrant with life. This also can apply to future DLC, Do you want more Cut-scenes in that too? I really feel like all the story cut-scenes we do have are amazingly done. I just think having more of them in other levels can flesh things out a bit more. For example like having scenes of the Fallen, Hive & Vex talking about you as you're invading, attacking or sabotaging there plans in the mission, just so we know more of the motives of these other characters in the game, or even a cut scene with our vanguard masters telling us stuff or introducing themselves. In the long run it only makes a great game better, am I right? [b]*This is not a post designed to rant about how poor the story is in Destiny. That is not what this post is about. I'm sure Bungie knows what needs to be worked on now that the game has launched.*[/b]

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