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10/1/2014 2:59:06 PM

How to make PVP not fun.......Exotic Bounty

Destiny's PVP is fun to play, it will not be an esport given the weapons are not well balanced and weapons have their own trait and stat to make it always out-perform others....... That is why you don't go in Destiny PVP to seek win, you seek fun, as you never win if the other team have better weapons than yours. And than it came -blam!-ING PVP EXOTIC WEAPON BOUNTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the -blam!- is death will slow my progress!!!!!! WHY THE -blam!- can this HAPPENS!!!! I grind strike after strike, after strike, 26 strikes just to have a bounty state that I have to use chaos damage to kill guardians and the point will be deducted when I am killed by whatever means???? WTF You can say I am noob or something, I am -blam!-ING NOOB in PVP, so what!! I don't deserve a gold gun because I am good at PVP, I deserve a gold gun because I grinded!!!!!! Now I need to look at my score go back and forth, again and again, day by day, don't know when it will complete. -blam!- you BUNGIE, I still have strike and raid to play, I can't spend all day going to crucible to gambit GAMBIT what? You think crucible is all about skill? NO, because you constantly give me one opponent in the other team that got over half of the total point their whole team got, -blam!-ing pro players keeps killing me and I can only see my bounty point reduce and go mad and can't do a thing THIS IS HOW PVP BECOMES NOT FUN, NOT ANYMORE Thank you bungie for you stupidity, now your brilliant map design and verticality in PVP just become a -blam!-ing non fun gambit ride. Now I can't lose, I need to constantly back to orbit if I feeling the opponent is too strong. Which no one wants, because my team will be one less and fated to lose afterwards. I don't like anyone doing that to me, but I can't -blam!-ing stay, I can't see my point to downs by 50 and neutralize what I have gain for a -blam!-ing whole WEEK To that people designed this bounty: go kill yourself, satan can't wait to embrace your mother-blam!-er's ass

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