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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (TruePurple): 9/23/2014 3:22:07 PM

2 weeks in destiny poll

I am enjoying destiny


I am not enjoying destiny


When answering this poll just think about your overall experience in destiny, the Pve the PvP, your experiences in patrols, your experiences in exploration, your interactions with other players both familiar and unfamiliar. The strikes the story, the process of character progression and gear achievement. The waiting and watching NPC's who have the items you need, the intensity, or even the dullness of the overall gameplay experience. At the time you turn your console off after every destiny session is there something that brings you back? Something that you still need to achieve, will you be back next weekend for xur with strange coins in hand? Even think about the little things you hope to see added and changed to the game, the hope that your opinions should be taken into account by bungie Dev team should also factor, do you think they would listen? This is a simple raw truthful and easy question, mostly for yourself to really ponder on. Me specifically can truly say I'm optimistic for the future of this game.

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