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Изменено (Celena): 9/22/2014 10:40:43 PM

What happened to my charcter?

OK so its not really mine its a friend of mines but still should not happen. So hear is how it goes we ware doing the raid all was fine then bam my friend who is lvl 28 and a titian gets kicked off. Now we all know this happens from time to time but what comes next made us all sad...He gets back on and starts to scream and holler we ask what is wrong he gos hes gone we say who he says my titan. He then logs on as his hunter lvl 26 and says i have all my titian's gear in my vault but but he was deleted. Now before you say but he must have done it no he did not plus no one in there right mind would do that after it takes about on average oh about 2 and half days of playing to get what he got. Now Bungie is this common and if so are you fixing it?

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