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9/19/2014 3:09:08 PM

Good Start To My Day

So, today I woke up at 5:00am as oppose to around 9AM (my usual "wake up" time). So, we have this garbage dollar store insta-coffee that tastes like hot chocolate mix without the chocolate, I'm broke and craving coffee. Well s***, this sucks. Now my girlfriend wants me to go to Tim Horton's and pick her up an Ice Cap and a bagel. So, thinking the world is at it's regular old evil, I grab the money, throw on my shoes, and begin dragging my feet out the door to walk to the god forsaken place that guaranteed will have coffee ads, merchandise, etc... Littered about, all of which I'm craving and can't touch. So In short, I'm thinking this is gonna suck. Get to Timmy's: turns out They're giving away free $5 Tim's Gift Cards. Here's the best part. I'm blitzed out of my mind and this guy hands me a card as I walk up, "Hey, we're having a competition to see who can give away the most Tim Horton's gift cards." To which I reply, under pressure for some reason, "Who do I give it to?" This guys face was priceless! Like a mix of a "Wtf?" And an "Okay..." Face. Aside from the awkwardness, I think it turned out a lot better than I thought it would.

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