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Изменено (TruSephirion): 9/19/2014 4:38:50 AM

Playing on the same Local Network

Hey guys, so I've been enjoying Destiny quite a bit, come across no errors at all. Nothing like the sort I've seen in forums, and for some reason it doesn't look like anyone else has come across the same problem as us? What is happening is, I've got a few friends over, they have their Xbox Ones here and we are all connected to my home network. Thing is, we can't connect to each other via Fireteam. We can connect through party chat and any other multiplayer game, but when it comes to Destiny and connecting to the same Fireteam, it just comes up with a network error or can't join. That being said, we can still join other people's Fireteams who ARE NOT on the same home network as we are on. I left a party with a friend to see if another one of my friends on my home network could join him, and it immediately connected....however I could not rejoin the Fireteam without him leaving, thus we can't connect to each other. Is anybody else having this issue? I'd love an answer from tech support at Bungie because it seems pretty silly and weird if we can't play the same game together LAN.

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