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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/18/2014 12:00:04 AM

Developers, I Need the Nerf Hammer.

You know what's really OP? People who call for the Nerf Hammer. Those people need to get nerfed, I mean seriously guys; nothing can even compare to how annoying it is. It's not a fair competition to things like loud noises, dripping faucets, or Chihuahuas. No matter how hard I try, I just can't find anything that just makes my eyes and ears bleed as much as these people do.. You guys are pros. What do I suggest? Well I'm glad you asked Bungie! How about we limit their posts to two words. Or, hell this is even better, limit their texts to Emojis. Please Bungie, I need this satisfaction. I can't deal with the stress anymore. Xur doesn't call, I don't eat, the Purple Ball is missing... I can't. I just can't.

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