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Изменено (SamZombi XBL): 9/17/2014 9:04:56 PM

Shoot n Loot is actively recruiting. Join the Ranks! or Forge an alliance.

[url=] Clan Page[/url] We are a small group of friends from Florida, looking to expand our clan to everyone. We are good, friendly, active, adult players. We've always believed the more the merrier and keeping with that we are also open to alliances. Our main goal is help create a great community for raids, crucibles, and strikes gameplay, while maintaining in focus the end game - To help each other obtain the best enjoyment from Destiny, shooting and looting! 2 ways you can join. a) Visit our Clan Page on the bungie site. Under the interact tab on the page join the group, and then click the button "Set as primary Playstation clan" b) Leave a comment on this post with your gamertag and I will send you an invite. But you will still need to accept the invite and set the clan as primary. PS4 and PS3 players welcome, but as of right now all our players are on PS4.

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