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9/17/2014 3:35:48 PM

loot grinding, rewards for strikes and story mode

I am relatively new to MMO type games. (bring on the hate, trolling, and negativity, i can't wait... -_-) And I realize there is an element of randomness when it comes to loot. I suppose it would get boring if everybody could just easily get good gear. And I get that part of the grind/process is playing the game repeatedly for the chance of scoring good loot or earning enough currency to buy it. however, it makes me sad that "farming" loops almost seem to be more productive randomly than you know, actually just playing thru the game and completing strike missions and what not. is this how all MMOs work? isnt farming/grinding just like hella boring? why havent games gotten beyond this? why dont they just reward you better for actually just completing stuff rather than doing stuff that is even more boring and repetitive, when playing the same strike missions alone is repetitive in and of itself. at least playing stuff over on higher difficulties i think feels more like an accomplishment, especially say if i replay stuff with other people and help them complete things. that is one thing that call of duty: ghosts (no really, don't laugh. or you can laugh a little, but it's true) actually got right (you get more teeth, the upgrade currency, for helping others complete episodes), although no one probably even knows this. since like nobody even really played the extinction mode much (a shame really) in any case. i kinda just wish that randomness wasn't so... random. almost seemingly unfairly so. i don't mind grinding so much. it just seems kind of lame that running a loot loop search can end up potentially getting you better stuff than actually completing a full strike or story. it'd be nice of like maybe performance had some kind of factor on increasing your odds of getting better gear. is this just par for the course as far as MMOs go? i read someone post about completing the raid and only ending up with upgrade materials and NO GEAR at all. that's kind of... depressing. dont get me wrong. i am enjoying the game, and i am really enjoying playing it with my friends/clanmates. but if this is what i have to look forward to. i just dont think i can see myself investing the amount of time and dedicating the amount of effort into grinding and raiding for the chance at possibly not even getting anything to show for it.

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