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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/15/2014 6:30:03 PM

So there seems to be a ton of room...

Hey guys! After having plenty of time to experience destiny in every way except nightfall strikes. It would appear that we have been given what I like to think of as a blank canvas. The story is short and sweet. I liked how it left several things up for questions so that we could have updates later. But the biggest thing is we have so many more areas that bungie has set up for us to return to later. For example the cosmodrome has two awesome areas with level 20's everywhere. The amount of mobs is great and even has some named ultras in the area. So does anyone think this was done on purpose for us to use later or was this simply something for us to stumble upon when we get bored and start exploring. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for reading and keep fighting for the light.

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  • Eh the story was forgettable to me. I held off on beating it til yesterday hoping I would be hooked into a blockbuster plot. There is a lot of potential to grow. I'm much more interested in learning about the history the planets. The lore and atmosphere the story takes place is amazing though. Well I feel like the game is largely incomplete. For instance there is a place on earth we can't even access close to the devils layer. I really do hope they add some neat exploration places. There was a certain layer of challenge in the beta to explore and try your luck against really difficult enemies when you were level 8. With everything being easy to kill once you're 21 that satisfaction is gone and feels like a chore. I don't think they should raise the levels, but I do think they should make certain areas more challenging. Mixing up the strategy. But to answer your question: I think, those enemies where meant t be explored and nothing more.

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