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Изменено (QuirkyViper): 9/8/2014 8:53:40 AM

EU clan for writers and artists, Dirge of Erebus (PS4)

Do you enjoy making art? Perhaps you like writing or roleplaying, Maybe you post reviews on different topics such as anime, manga or video games, or blog about these things in some other form. Perhaps you're a musician or just a fan of all of the above. This is the clan for you, a small scale, safe environment which the Artisans of Destiny can call home. In between the bouts of alien slaughter we can have gentlemanly conversations about the finer things in life such as the philosophical qualities of the venerable purple ball or the artistic merits of different arm bands as opposed to cloaks. And who amongst us doesn’t like to get their work noticed? Join DoE and always have a public ready to provide meaningful constructive criticism and help you paint a masterpiece with the blood of our enemies \(^o^)/ how does that sounds fellow guardians? Interested? The gameplay will be on PS4, the gentlemanly exchange of ideas and creative endeavours is open to all. Female gamers are as welcome as any, you will find DoE to be a friendly and enriching evironment.

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