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Изменено (NPBTM): 9/7/2014 12:18:22 PM

Clan Recruitment (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

[b]Clan:[/b] The Guardians of Zero [b]Platform:[/b] PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One [b]Bungie Group Page:[/b] [b]Official Group Website:[/b] [b]Introduction[/b] Those born from nothing are free from the burden of being sheltered their entire life. They are free to choose whatever path they want to choose. With nothing to lose they have everything to gain. Those who are powerful should fear them, those who are weak should rally behind them for they are the Guardians of Zero. We are searching for new recruits no matter what console you are on. We ask that you be mature, active within our group forms, and ready to have fun. Our group is growing by the day and we hope you can be a part of that. [b]Goals[/b] -To have fun with Destiny -To create a welcoming environment where gamers on all platforms can communicate with each other without hostility -To build multiple fire teams that focuses on what the player likes whether it be PvP, PvE, or both - To have interesting conversations with other group members [b]Conclusion[/b] We have 46 active members at the moment. We ask that you join if you are interested. Our group page is listed above. Thank you for your time and remember with nothing to lose you have everything to gain. -NPBTM

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