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Изменено (sims3k): 8/27/2014 6:28:03 PM

How often is your gaming console connected to the internet?



Once a day


Once a week




Just wanted to know how "connected" peoples consoles are on here. This goes for any console but more specifically an XB1 or PS4. Is your console always connected to the internet? Do you only have the opportunity to connect it once a week or day? Have you never connected your console to the internet since you bought it? A better question would have probably been how often or how long does your internet connection drop out, [spoiler]but i wouldnt be able to make a controversial poll with that.[/spoiler] Would a 24 hour check in really have harmed your gaming experience?

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  • [quote]Would a 24 hour check in really have harmed your gaming experience?[/quote]The problem here is it's a restriction. And gamers hate any sort of restriction on their ability to play their games. They'll go well out of their way to pay for overpriced DLC and pre-order games they've never played and will spend thousands of dollars on PC equipment to get a higher frame rate in a game that will be dated in a few months... but something like this sounds too much like "they're trying to take our games away!" which I guess is the same kind "they're trying to take our guns away!" paranoia some people feel every time they hear a Democrat is elected to city council. I think there's some benefits to having a system like a 24-hour check-in, but those benefits have to outweigh the fact that single-player games now have this arbitrary Internet-connection requirement weighing them down. Beyond more dynamic multiplayer experiences, it would be nice if such a system brought better security, and would reduce the incentive for hacking into my account to buy and download some games the thief can play offline. But such a system can't be like what Microsoft did last year where they basically just said, "It'll be a better experience, but we won't give you all the details right now, you just have to trust us." Also... we need better Internet infrastructure in America before such a thing like constantly-connected gaming even becomes feasible. These crooked telecommunications companies are bottlenecking the Internet because it threatens the status quo where everybody buys a bundle with 500 channels they don't want for $100 per month and never complain about it because they can't switch to any alternatives.

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