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Изменено (ThaSwoopster): 8/10/2014 9:42:37 PM

Freelancers/Mercs Group PS4/PS3

We aren't a clan, we're where clans go to find people to fill a raid team/fireteam. The jackwagons and rejects that are too headstrong and speak their mind and don't care for the politics of clans. I've been in clans, dealt with the politics and all the BS, it ruins the love of the game your if you're like want to play with others...but on YOUR terms...this is where you go... This is the only place you have to join up, the only site you're a part of. Add the members, and and play the game you love. Join up and have a place to look for that extra body for your fireteam when others aren't online. But plz, have a mic at least. PS4/PS3 players only, even if you don't have a PS4 yet, but are like me and getting the white bundle...join on up...if you play ps3, join up too! You won't find 360/One fans here though....

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