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8/7/2014 1:18:41 AM

Fifth Army [5A] (we don't have applications...)

Fifth Army [5A] was created and founded in 2010. The initial intentions for the clan was to compete in the Battle Field Bad Company 2 BETA Tournaments. Now Fifth Army [5A] is looking to bring itself back for Destiny! We are a diverse clan having members who are interested in the PvE and PvP concepts of the game. Our PvE players are mainly looking forward to the raids and loot/gear gathering in Destiny. The PvE players are also widely spread in experience from Campaigns in games to numerous MMORPGs. Our PvP players vary from the average player, to Game Battles, to MLG. Fifth Army [5A] members also do not have any problems with helping one another out in their field of expert. If this sounds like something you are looking for, then give us a look! We are very active on the Bungie Clan Site, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and are working on getting the Fifth Army [5A] Website back up and running smoothly. Please Message me if you have any questions or comments. Thank you! -Killswitch 5A

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